Monday, December 25, 2006

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays everyone.
I am in UB at the moment. All the volunteers had to come in last week for training, and most of us decided to extend our stay for a few days in order to celebrate christmas together. On the 24th we had a large PC party at the country director's apartment's common room (same place we had thanksgiving) which was a really nice, really fun party. There was some great food and drinks other than vodka, which is always a pleasant surprise. We played some football outside until it got too dark to play safely, and then there was a band of ex-pats that played for us and then let those of us who could use instruments get up and play as well. We opened presents (the kind where you can swap with someone else or choose a new one) and i got fireworks which I later set off with the Ambassador and the PC Country Director. All in all it was a very fun evening.
Actual Xmas day was pretty low-key. It did snow though, which was nice. It's also snowing now (Xmas in the States).
I don't really have time to write more about my time here in UB now or my time at training, but while I have access to internet, I thought I should write at least a little to wish you all a Happy Chanukkah, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Years!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi jacob!!!!! i miss you! i'm so glad we talked the othehr day, even thouh i was sleepy and boring. lame oh well! ok off to do something now but i wanted to sa y hi. i hope things got figured out with your houseing situation. miss you!!! loooove you!!

1:24 AM


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