Thursday, January 13, 2005

Still in NYC

OK, so I think I have given up on making a really cool website for this trip. I have been trying for the last few hours to make a map of the world which will map my progress. The idea was to have it automatically update the journey with a little red line, and then if you clicked on a city where I had stopped it would take you to a new page where you could read all about my time there. Cool idea huh? (This is what you get for being friends/family with a computer enthusiast). Well, I couldn't figure it out, so I'm stuck doing it this way.... which is to post to blogger and put my pictures on a yahoo site which I will put the link for on the side. Not as cool, but still effective enough to hopefully keep you all satisfied and not too confused.

So, I guess I will take this time to update what I have been doing these last couple days as I would if I were someplace with SAS. I am in New York now, spending not enough time with my family. I missed some of the cousins by coming so late (and these are the guys who really could have been of some help setting up the former, cool, website idea that I had).

Winter Break in a nutshell -
Drive from Pomona to Marin with Joe, Hillary, Max, and Ingrid.
Spend a few days with Joe in Marin.
Drive to Sacramento to welcome Isaac back to Democracy.
Drive to Tahoe to party and gamble with Joe, Isaac and friends of Isaac who are all great.
Back to Sacramento for Xmas and Isaac's 21st.
Drive back to Tahoe with chains on tires to celebrate New Years.
Few more days in Sacramento.
Few more days in Marin, this is when I learn that I want to learn to love San Fransisco in the future.
Fly to Maine to spend some time with the Maina part of my family. Really nice seeing all of them, and best of luck to Jonas getting into boarding schools.

Now I'm in New York frantically trying to get everything ready for my voyage. It is amazing how much there is to do. I have to make sure I pack all the right things, I have to sign up for all the right Field Trips that I was unable to signup early for unfortunately because I didnt get one of the mails that they sent (most likely because I was accepted into the program very late - near Thanksgiving. Thanks DQ!)

Tom visited the first day and we got really lost and I tried to speak with some sort of accent cause Tom was doing it. We roamed the streets until very late looking for the subway and as per usual made many friends on the long subway ride home. I have spent the rest of my days trying to get everything ready: buying all sorts of necissities, planning trips, trying to find a summer internship which wont mind my being out of the country and unable to have an interview, working on this stupid blog thing. I am pretty close to done, or better be, cause i leave soon.

I leave from Vancouver, but Im not going straight there. I am flying to Seattle first, and then prolly training up to BC. I am doing this because I have never seen Seattle... or Vancouver for that matter. So it is going to be a long long long time of travel for me. I still havent been in one place more for a week straight yet... that will first happen in the middle of the Pacific, if you can call that staying in one place for a long time. I guess I will have the same bed.

Well, thats it for now. Now I just have to figure out how everyone who wants to read this has the link. I guess you could help me out by fowarding it along to people who you think might like to read it who you dont think know about it. Id appreciate it.

Jacob 1/13/05 1.22am est


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